On Love and Sacrifice

This blue sphere of existence, a symmetry of grandeur, which humanity calls home, is an evolving, consciously-alive energetic momentum of perpetual giving, motivated by love. Love is the first law of Life.

So profound is mankind’s belief in the power of evil that the stunned response is usually begrudging submission. Resentment, anger, and more violence quickly follow. Violence begets violence and the pain-ridden continuum of human loss and sorrow is reinforced. Evil is hate made manifest. This is the dangerous reality that has become today’s human world.

Across Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East, China, Africa, and major portions of Central and South America authoritarian leaders are ruling with complete impunity. Now, America has succumbed to the promise of cheaper bread in place of human freedom. “Where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that.” Lord Acton, 1834-1902.

Since time immemorial, our species has struggled with the opposing forces of good and evil. Now in the Twenty-First Century, as the scales appear to be weighted in favor of evil, we face another calamity: the existential threat of human extinction brought on by unthinking human destruction of planetary ecological systems. This evil too is a result of hate made manifest.

We have simply generated too much hate throughout our centuries of habitation. Hate breeds separatist ideologies. Exclusivity, tribalism, greed, and divisive rhetoric are each hate-in-action. When economic incentives are placed in opposition to spiritual impulses evil reigns; and hate finds a welcome home in human hearts and minds. There is an alternative.

The impulse to give protection, to give life, to give love and comfort, the impulse to give nourishment, healing, stability, and joy are examples of The Law of Sacrifice, the impulse of giving (Esoteric Psychology, Volume II, Page 88}. Sacrifice is a quintessential quality of soul; and every living incarnatepossesses this divine capacity to give.

Witness the life-giving force of solar rays, the life-sustaining energies of air and water, the light and warmth generated by minerals, and the seasonal sustenance provided by the abundant animal and vegetable kingdoms. This blue sphere of existence, a symmetry of grandeur, which humanity calls home, is an evolving, consciously-alive energetic momentum of perpetual giving, motivated by love. Love is the first law of Life.

In an unstable human world where self-interested attention is easily distracted by the noise of materiality, and the coveted glamour of finite power, this wider view of infinite existence is dismissed. Yet, denial is not an effective human weapon against divine truth. Light dominates darkness, Love forgives all, and Hope burns eternal.

In the mysterious Cosmic scheme of All Life, our small, beautiful earthly life remains a prized initiatory gift from the Divine intended to transcend the limitations of hate; and invoke a vision of Humanity as the redeemer of darkness, and the restorer of Love, the first law of Life.

Many human beings already understand and take intentional action. There are over ten million active non-profits world-wide with one billion plus registered volunteers. 14.3% of the world’s population volunteers each month. The three largest organizations having the greatest direct impact on human need are The Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and Doctor’s Without Borders, all of whom sustain their life-giving work through the generosity of donors, both individual and corporate.

This snapshot of human-life-in-contradiction inhabits the same earthly space permeated with opposing thoughts and hearts. Perpetual giving respects diversity; exclusivity sounds a loud death knell. The impulse of giving recognizes one human kingdom; tribalism and greed fragment lives and divide communities, nations, peoples. When economic incentives stand in opposition to spiritual impulses, evil reigns.

In today’s reality, hope has a new calling, reaching out to the hearts of millions through the power of thought. Countless scores of inter-faith religious groups meet locally to uplift human spirits through the strength of prayer; and a global network of meditators wields the potency of thought to influence human affairs.

Students of esoteric teaching know that there are three pillars of awakening which form into an animated, living triangle of practical service: self-discipline, self-control, and self-sacrifice. No single pillar is more important than the others; and whichever one draws attention holds the key to growth. This is why mastery comes with many lifetimes; and why references can be found in the ancient teachings which denote physical form as death and the hereafter as life. As living souls, we are here to learn, grow, and expand consciousness. As we do so, we discover Sacrifice, the impulse of giving.

The earth, and all inhabitants, occupy a world of duality. We learn by experiencing opposites; and accumulate innumerable biases along the way. We grow by discovering sameness; and begin to shed an endless list of judgements. We expand consciousness when we recognize Oneness which has ever been. We begin to give when our hearts are too full to do other.

In many ways, spontaneous sacrifice manifests within the most unassuming of people. Eons of time, and dimly sensed prior lives, have conditioned both the thinking and feeling aspects of consciousness to seek outward, look upward, recognizing themselves in others, and acting for the benefit of the whole. The me ideology died in the ancient past and was replaced with a shining spirit of we.

They remain imperfect selfless beings; yet, their deep empathy of life, wrought through the crucible of human experience, graces them with a higher insight. They don’t reside in the halls of academia, the corridors of power, or with the glitterati of celebrity. They live quietly amongst ordinary people and offer aid to any in need. Should your path cross with someone in possession of a truly selfless consciousness, thank them for their earthly service. They are the light and the best hope of the human race, because they understand that the first law of Life is Love.

In the inimitable words of Martin Luther King, “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness,” 1963, “Strength to Love” sermon. Now decades later, 2025, Humanity’s long slumber haunts us all as we stand on the threshold of a dawning new age. Very few options remain, as we face impulses of Sacrifice and Life prompting each of us to choose.

The rhythmic chords of the Web of etheric Life echo down the ages and speak to all with the heart to hear. Creative thought beckons with the melodic totality of Love and awaits anyone whose mind sees Oneness.

Discipleship in the New Age offers a wealth of rich insights into coming times and the potency of Love to set the course and guarantee direction into the fulness of Life. One passage suggests that Love be pondered within the light of soul from three distinct angles: a) right or wrong action in the expression of love. b) Of motive, high or low, in the expression of love. c) Of soul activity in the expression of love. (Page 248).

A hint, worthy of exploration, is given in the usage of “expression” in all three angles to be pondered. Humanity is a naturally creative and expressive kingdom in thought, word, and in deed. May the joyous light of soul guide and protect you on the awaiting loving journey.



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