Category: Psychology
The Power of Sacred Words
There is an ancient belief that Sound is the creative Soul of Divine creation; and that words reveal the rhythmic heartbeat of God. When we join with those Great […]
A Loving Faith
To walk through life, in true loving faith, seems a heavenly gift shared only amongst the Gods, unattainable by mere mortals. And yet, many are aware of the possibilities […]
Forgiveness, A Conscious Choice
From the personal to the group, we are all probably in need of forgiveness as well as the need to forgive. Personal injuries—some which are minor types of offense, […]
The Contentment of Humility
The annals of human time are punctuated with a chorus of voices cautioning humanity against a presumptive attitude of privilege and power. None quite so succinctly as Pascal: “The […]
Trust is a cornerstone in all relationships. Trust opens the doors into Synthesis. Yet, trust can be as illusive as a rainstorm on a hot, sweltering summer day. Contemplating […]
Spiritual Perspectives: A Search for Truth
Sceptics might ask, are spiritual perspectives relevant in an era of scientific materialism? To this question, others may add, will they help us make sense of an often chaotic […]
Codes of Conduct
Many millennia ago, before the starlit arrival of The Christ, homo sapiens survived the great terrors of the wilderness by banding together and forming an instinctual code of physical […]
The Long Horizon
With all the deaths and difficulties that are occurring throughout the world today during this period of pandemic, it is difficult to understand why all this is happening now. […]
A Love Song to Humanity
Since time and life began on earth, every human being has asked the exact same question: what is the purpose of my life. For those whose attention is limited […]
Approaching Life with Positivity
The “attainment of positivity” is a deeply esoteric goal held before highly advanced spiritual seekers. Yet, it is never too premature to attempt to strive to live with greater […]
A Cascade of Crises
If history teaches us anything, it is that we (human beings) have the propensity to make the same or similar mistakes time and again. No doubt this is a […]
The Living Planes of Consciousness
Place a small, round stone in the palm of your left hand; then blanket it with the warmth of your right palm. Now, breathe deeply and focus your mind’s […]
The Priceless Alchemy of Consciousness
In the dense world of form, dynamic and expressive arcs of compassion – free of personal constraints and ever-flowing outward in wider sweeps of inclusiveness – are a rarity. […]
The Sacrifice of Selfishness
In a world where literally billions of souls are struggling mightily on a daily basis, the singular journey of any one life does appear somewhat inconsequential; except, when measured […]
The Long Arc of the Moral Universe
To view human evolution requires special glasses—ones that have the power to see across vast distances of time, to pierce through mountains of error and across caverns of apparent […]
The New Flowers of Ideas
Today the world abounds in the power and communication of ideas, thought and planning. They underpin the very fabric of human life on a global scale. Ideas translate into […]
The Human Quest for Truth
May I be led from darkness to Light, from the unreal to the Real, from death to Immortality—so runs one of the earliest prayers known. In a few words, […]
The Theory of the Evolution of Light
The spiritual sciences teach that when life and form, or spirit and matter, are brought into close proximity, then light (the soul) appears, consciousness is born, and the long […]
Harmony, An Inevitable Achievement
That the world today is besieged by conflict, and that increasingly it is most visible on the mental plane in the “war of ideas”, is obvious. The fields of […]
The Play of Duality
In an increasingly divided world, the ceaseless play of duality bears upon the weary human spirit. The spiritual and the material, the real and the unreal, and the progressive […]