Category: Philosophy
On Love and Sacrifice
This blue sphere of existence, a symmetry of grandeur, which humanity calls home, is an evolving, consciously-alive energetic momentum of perpetual giving, motivated by love. Love is the first […]
Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity and the 2025 Conclave
At the 25th year of each century since 1425, the Masters have met in Conclave to determine how to help Humanity take the next evolutionary step for evolving its […]
What is the Real?
There is one Boundless Immutable Principle; one Absolute Reality which, antecedes all manifested conditioned Being. It is beyond the range and reach of any human thought or expression. Alice […]
The Law of Love
As we human beings evolve, life after life, we go through stages of purification; these stages gradually purify the qualities that we are able to express in each life; […]
From Apathy to Empathy
When Life flips your world upside down, look to others. When facing uncertainty, seek out protection in groups. Survival lies within groups. The larger the group, the greater the […]
Humanity: The World Disciple
Humanity, the world disciple, stands at a crossroads today. The familiar and ‘comfortable’ surroundings of age-old practices, rituals, and lines of thought are receding. Ahead lie uncharted waters. It […]
Spinoza – An Unshackled Mind
The writings of Alice Bailey tell us of an “inner centre or subjective world government, whose members are responsible for the spread of those ideals and ideas which have […]
The Dual Life of the Disciple
At the appointed time, there comes a turning point in the life of every human being on his or her sacred path, and for humanity too, the world disciple. […]
Out of Duality, Consciousness Emerges
The problem of duality, spiritual philosophy observes, is the problem of existence itself. Duality, the pairs of opposites, (such as right and wrong, peace and war, happiness and unhappiness, […]
2025 – Developing a Vision of Possibilities
Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance. We’re told that the twenty-fifth year of each century, […]
A New Chapter Beckons
Shortly after the planetary turmoil and devastation of the Second World War, Alice Bailey, in one of her books, commented: “A new chapter in the great book of spiritual […]
“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” These words come from a […]
Why are Ethical Perspectives important?
In our fast-paced and seemingly chaotic world, ethical or spiritual perspectives play an important role in helping us make sense of the complexities and dilemmas of human living, of […]
Preparing the Way for “the Good, the True and the Beautiful”
We live in perplexing times. Perhaps every generation throughout history has reached the same conclusion, but the esoteric teaching given in the books of Alice Bailey clearly designates the […]
Shamballa and Simplicity – part 2
In an historical time when everyone has an opinion, frequently devoid of truth and often framed by rhetorical extremism, it can be challenging to form a reasonable thought. Cogent […]
Creative Living in an Anxious Time
A period of transition from an old age to a new, causing upheaval of familiar traditions and assumptions, inevitably evokes uncertainty. The incrustation accumulated over the past 2,000 years […]
The Battle for the Soul of Humanity
Humanity has faced many battles in the long course of its evolution. Physical warfare, from one perspective, has shaped the modern world. By force of arms, nation states, and […]
Shamballa and Simplicity – part 1
At the deep center of mankind’s consciousness there lies a tenuous foothold into a vast land of simplicity. This sacred place is a hidden landscape pulsating with eternal truths. […]
Envisioning a Better World through Creative Sharing
Living in a time of transition when the energies of the past age are withdrawing—a stage in which the lower aspects are now more visible than their higher, and […]
Imagination As a Tool for Compassion
The blog post “Imagining Other Worlds” considered the challenge of gaining insight into the worlds that animals, birds and insects inhabit. As the recently published book An Immense World—How […]