reflections on human and world affairs
Welcome to the Spiritual Perspectives Blog.
The Blog offers philosophical and spiritual perspectives focusing a light on human affairs in this complex and fast moving world. Many of the ideas are drawn from the Alice A. Bailey teaching; from the sacred scriptures of the East and West; and, from historical and contemporary visionary thinkers. In addition, transcripts and audio recordings of radio programs called “Inner Sight” are featured on the website. They discuss topics based on the Ageless Wisdom and the writings of Alice Bailey.
Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance. We’re told that the twenty-fifth year of each century, […]
Gateway of the new world, the new age The energies of Aquarius are pouring in as the full moon approaches. A lunar cycle is 29 days or so, but […]
What must be grasped is that all that is, is ever present. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Inner sight is simply seeing that which is always present but not […]
Real expansions of consciousness are those that actually create a transformation in the person, where there is a genuine turning point reached in one’s life. Robert: Welcome to Inner […]
This blue sphere of existence, a symmetry of grandeur, which humanity calls home, is an evolving, consciously-alive energetic momentum of perpetual giving, motivated by love. Love is the first […]
Money is “the consolidation of the loving living energy of divinity.” It’s very creative to think of using money as a means to support and strengthen the good, and […]