reflections on human and world affairs
Welcome to the Spiritual Perspectives Blog.
The Blog offers philosophical and spiritual perspectives focusing a light on human affairs in this complex and fast moving world. Many of the ideas are drawn from the Alice A. Bailey teaching; from the sacred scriptures of the East and West; and, from historical and contemporary visionary thinkers. In addition, transcripts and audio recordings of radio programs called “Inner Sight” are featured on the website. They discuss topics based on the Ageless Wisdom and the writings of Alice Bailey.
Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance. We’re told that the twenty-fifth year of each century, […]
Silence and the stillness of a focused point We’re living in a time when the words of the poet Yeats ring all too true: “Things fall apart; the center […]
The Law of Spiritual Retribution touches upon the situation that we see in the world today. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Inner Sight is simply seeing that which is […]
Each life is just part of an ongoing process for the soul if you believe in reincarnation; this is just one blip on the screen of eternity. You have […]
By looking back at our lives trying to see cycles and identify crises that we have lived through, perhaps decisions that we’ve made that have been life changing, we […]
Hinduism has a particular view of the spiritual path as coming in stages of the life. The older person is one who has withdrawn, not in the sense of withdrawing […]