Category: Renaissance
The Light of the Renaissance part 8
A New Ray Energy: When a new ray energy begins to manifest it inevitably creates a conflict with any existing ray expressions. But often conflict will produce innovation. This […]
The Light of the Renaissance part 7
The Power of the Church: In the 5th century A.D. around the time of the fall of the Roman Empire, much of the temporal and spiritual power was taken […]
The Light of the Renaissance part 6
Expanding the Work: The groundbreaking work initiated by these four forerunners, described earlier, and there were many others contributing, had a deep spiritual connection, unknown to their outer personality […]
The Light of the Renaissance part 5
The Gift of the Telescope: Galileo had help from a new invention—the telescope. A Dutchman, Hans Lippershey, an eyeglass maker, is credited with making the first telescope in 1608. […]
The Light of the Renaissance part 4
Effects of the Awakening: The effects of the awakening and enlightenment of the mind were inevitable; effects which the Hierarchy was fully aware would happen. But notwithstanding all the […]
The Light of the Renaissance part 3
A Small Group of Servers: It is important to realize what the sudden impact of this small group of servers had on the consciousness at the time. And human […]
The Light of the Renaissance part 2
A Prominent Group: In the study of history we tend to focus on prominent individuals who are the movers and shakers of change. This is of course necessary to […]
The Light of the Renaissance part 1
Over the long course of human evolution there have been many instances where a spark of enlightenment has kindled periods of creative expansion and a fresh surge in the […]