Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity and the 2025 Conclave

At the 25th year of each century since 1425, the Masters have met in Conclave to determine how to help Humanity take the next evolutionary step for evolving its consciousness and implementing the next stages of the Plan. The Plan for Humanity is a blueprint for change and an energy formula of life and light expressing the power of the will-to-good coming from Shamballa, and downward towards Hierarchy.

In several of the blue books by Alice A. Bailey, D.K. provides us with insights about some of the most important considerations that the Hierarchy will most likely be dealing with in the upcoming 2025 Conclave. This particular Conclave is viewed as momentous, as it may determine the timing for the first stage of the Externalization of the Hierarchy and setting the time for the Reappearance of the Christ.

But is Humanity ready to receive new impulses that will determine the patterns for the coming century and the methods that will be used to fulfill the Divine Purpose?

In this article, we will examine the energies and forces from Shamballa and Hierarchy that cause change and evolution in Humanity. For this Conclave, the Hierarchy will deliberate on a number of issues regarding whether Humanity’s readiness for its next evolutionary change in consciousness, and how well it has responded thus far to the Will of Shamballa and Hierarchy.

3 Major Planetary Centers

In “Externalization of the Hierarchy”, D.K. describes three major planetary centers Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity that drive evolution on Earth.

Shamballa As the source of divine Will, it provides the overall direction and purpose for the Plan. It represents “1st Ray Will”, power and purpose and is seen as a powerful energy that stimulates human consciousness towards the “will-to-good” which drives evolutionary progress to bring forth right human relations between and for all people and nations.

Hierarchy acts as custodian of the Plan and the intermediary and bridge between Shamballa and humanity. When Hierarchy receives the impulse and energy from Shamballa, it steps down and transmutes this energy into teachings and guidance based on a “2nd Ray Love, Wisdom”, and an understanding so it can be understood and applied by humanity and the lower kingdoms.

Humanity, as the expression of the “3rd Ray Intelligent activity”, as it performs its task as “doers” and manifestors on the physical plane. Thus, the interaction between Shamballa and Hierarchy fulfills that purpose of spiritual growth and conscious evolution for mankind.

Since the last Conclave of 1925, the “service workers”, (a shorthand that includes New Group of World Servers, and the men/women of goodwill), have acted as the “forerunners” and the “hands and feet” of Hierarchy. As they are spiritually aligned with Soul intent, they work at implementing changes around the world in the political, social, cultural and religious parts of civilization expressing goodwill, cooperation and right human relations.

Shamballa and Hierarchy stimulate Humanity to Evolve Spiritually

When a new impulse from Shamballa and the Hierarchy come forth, this causes an evolutionary shift in man’s psyche, which results in crises for mankind. These crises represent a destructive force, but it should not be confused with man’s internal battle within his separated personality. History has shown that impulses from the higher Will, e.g. the concept of freedom, are the source of all political and social transformations. The higher Will effects and uplifts man’s lower will (through his personality) and causes him to evolve consciously expressing this greater inclusivity.

Therefore, the energy of Will can be seen as a means to promote unity and synthesis resulting in the binding of people and groups on a global scale where they were previously separated.

The purifying effects of the Shamballa force continue to bring forth to the surface serious issues facing society at large. This force acts as a catalyst for transformation, breaking down outdated forms in society, government, and religion, and making way for new structures aligned with higher purpose. It assists in fostering conflict resolution and bringing forth a sense of greater unity in human consciousness and activities, by establishing right human relations between individuals and groups. The impact is seen as both destructive of old forms and constructive of new, more unified awareness that negates any form of separatism.

Other effects can be seen in the alignment of Humanity with the Divine Plan. Both Shamballa and Hierarchy help orient the diverse wills of men towards a common goal that is aligned with the broader planetary purpose. In that last 50 or so years, there has been a stimulation of global awareness compelling humanity to address planetary challenges, e.g. climate change, protecting the environment and the lower kingdoms. While these effects are described in esoteric terms, they point to the Shamballa energy as a force creating global integration and producing an alignment of the human will towards the higher planetary purpose in governance.

The Principle of Conflict in Evolutionary Change

The destruction of the old and outworn forms must precede the building of the New Age. Although many social, political, religious forms have served their purpose, they are no longer adequate to function with the forces emanating from Shamballa and the “new Aquarian mentality” that fosters the present and future growth of Humanity.

An analysis of the 4th Ray demonstrates conflict or cleavage. It acts as a leveling force that performs like a great crucible on the inner planes in wanting to establish harmony. For Humanity this force reveals existing cleavages in the political, religious, social and economic sectors on a global scale. This revelation is always accompanied by efforts to heal the cleavages. In “Rays and the Initiations”, D.K. summarizes that the concept of conflict is a controlling factor in human affairs and acts as the agent of the Principle of Harmony. In man’s consciousness, it produces strains and stresses which lead to a crises of discrimination, moving towards right choice, and ultimately to liberation. This is accomplished in stages by NGOs, non-profits, and people who want to pull down barriers to establish right relationship between all individuals and groups.

In summary, when addressing conflict and the process of conflict resolution, we understand:

  • That conflict produces points of crisis, followed by a point of tension, and eventually a point of emergence.
  • The Principle of Conflict is preparing the way for the return of the Christ, Who will inaugurate the new era of synthesis and harmony.

As with a disciple, and or even a nation, a developed awareness is learning how to bring balance and harmony within itself through the process of conflict. Through courage and action, disciples will set examples which will provide a definite value to humanity as a whole.

Hierarchical Objectives for Manifesting the Plan

From the 1925 Conclave, D.K. stated that Hierarchy, in order to manifest the Plan and for the Externalization and Reappearance of the Christ to occur, He specified certain objectives must be met. Since that time, the service workers have been striving to bring forth the Divine Will and negate any lower expressions of the lower will through the separated personality. In their work over the last century, they have been building a planetary Antakarana to help Humanity realize the essence of the Plan working out in the world.

D.K. noted that Hierarchy has identified three major objectives for Humanity and the service workers to accomplish:

First, a “Measure of Peace” must be established based on an educated goodwill, which will lead to right human relations. At this juncture, the lines of light must act as a guiding influence between nations and thereby negating the lower separated personality, which will result in a clarification and understanding of the international situation. Nations must attend to their own affairs and internal problems. In essence, this would entail stabilizing their own society by bringing harmony and instilling freedom and peace to its people.

Second, this realization will bring about a reciprocal interplay in the field of economics through the implementation of the “Principle of Sharing” and the concept of a re-distribution of the earth’s resources. Much of the world problems are caused by economic and government’s involvement. Providing adequate food, housing and security to the masses will create a constructive change in world psychology and usher in an era of peace and abundance for all. To accomplish this, some major problems, however, must be solved, such as greed, selfishness, political rivalries and individual and national ambitions.

Groups of spiritually-minded financiers (who are members of the Ashram) can regulate the world economic situation and bring about great and needed changes. This would be construed as a 4th Ray action, bringing order out of chaos. With this awareness, a sense of internationalism will develop and allow people to understand how world affairs effect their lives.

Third, initiate reform and re-organize of the major religions, e.g. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. A group of disciples can organize a more unified preparation for the Christ and His teachings. The Initiates will build a future which arising out of the mis-direction of the past and instill basic concepts anent the spirit of goodwill, cooperation and right human relations into men’s minds.

Although there are separations between religions, many within these religious groups now choose to emphasize unity and fellowship of Spirit, working in their local communities and the world. Theirs is a work of embracing synthesis with emphasis of expressing the life and Spirit within. Their work will eventually provide a universal platform for the foundation for the New World Religion under the inspiration of the Christ.

Can Man Interfere with the Will of Shamballa?

Human free will has driven mankind’s activities for thousands of years. History has shown us, even to this very day that as man resists change, real spiritual progress can be slowin coming.

 In approaching the 2025 Conclave and what it portends for Humanity, we must ask the questions:

  • Will man’s freewill continue to interfere with Hierarchy’s objectives and plans? AND,
  • What if Humanity has not responded well enough to the Hierarchical and Shamballic energies?

The Will coming from Shamballa and Hierarchy is not deterred by the behavior of an single individual or group. However, the will of man can temporarily deter the manifestation of the Plan, but cannot affect its ultimate outcome. As disciples, we in the esoteric community, have indeed directed our wills towards realizing the implementation of the Plan and helping Hierarchy in any way we can. We understand that Hierarchy never interferes but impulses and impresses ideas, which are felt by those who are sensitive on the inner planes.

What if Humanity does not make serious changes in how it functions on the physical plane? D.K. suggests that Hierarchy might set in motion or initiate changes through “Types of Crisis”. From “Externalization of the Hierarchy” He states:

  1. A Stimulation of certain people to dynamic and phenomenal action or an emergence of Inspired Leadership”…that could be overshadowed by divinity, and can accept divine purpose as a driving factor in conditioning world affairs.”
  • D.K. indicates we need leadership for what He calls “a band of conditioning Souls”, such as disciples and Initiates already in the world who can lead humanity out of the crises in which we are immersed within the governmental, economic, scientific, religious, educational, and to the cultural sectors.
  1. Another crisis could be a Divine Embodiment or a Hierarchical Influence. This could manifest as an approach to mental or astral planes with accompanying thoughtforms and impressions.
  • From “Glamour A World Problem”, He states: “….that by entities such as the Angel of the Presence may make His nearness felt and inspire you to pass courageously through the fires of the burning ground…”.
  1. From “Externalization of the Hierarchy”, D.K. says: “Divine intervention could take the form of a cataclysmic happening which would bring aggression to an end through destruction”.
  • We are already seeing ongoing problems throughout the world, such as climate change, volcanic activity, floods, and forest fires in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
  • The cataclysm of disease and pandemics. The recent Coronavirus pandemic was global in scale and in some ways, it provided, an impetus for helping to unify humanity by sharing resources, knowledge, and asking for cooperation from all people during the lockdowns.

Hierarchical Considerations for the 2025 Conclave

For the 2025 Conclave, the Hierarchy will be in deep deliberation and planning for the next stages of evolutionary changes for Humanity. It is viewed as a pivotal moment that could significantly shape the spiritual trajectory of humanity and the planet in the coming decades. The Conclave is expected to have profound spiritual effects on human consciousness and a provide new spiritual techniques and methods that could strengthen the “Christ principle” in humanity, and the establishment of the mystery schools on the physical plane.

But is Humanity ready for these new evolutionary changes?

The period leading up to 2025 is seen as preparatory, testing humanity’s receptivity. Hierarchy has been closely observing and considering how, with the increased spiritual stimulation, what has been humanity’s readiness and response to the various impacts and impressions. At the coming Conclave, Hierarchy will be considering and assessing:

  • Overall evolutionary progress across the human, animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms.
  • Evaluate crisis points and blockages around environmental issues and international conflicts. For this, Hierarchy would determine the flow of spiritual energy and formulate plans for the coming century based on this assessment. For this, there is an emphasis on the role of the service workers to act as a bridge for grounding new stimulations of educational and spiritual related initiatives.
  • Determine Humanity’s readiness for the Christ’s return and how His energies and presence can be most effectively manifested.
  • Setting a date for the initial phases of the Hierarchy’s externalization and specifying a potential timeframe for the Christ’s reappearance. How humanity handles increased spiritual stimulation will influence the timing of further externalization.

Powerful energies from the Conclave are expected to stimulate new patterns of thinking and cause individuals within society to act with more inclusivity, such as related to global issues and fostering interconnectedness between groups.

The Role of Service Workers in Humanity’s Evolution

Since 1925, “service workers” have responded to the Will of Shamballa and Hierarchy by enabling the Plan around the world. A strong quality of sensitivity is what is needed in the community and the world. It is interesting to note that many people who engage in service related activities are not necessarily conscious of an inner connection with their Soul, the Ashram or enabling the Plan. For our discussion, we will focus on those characteristics which are the hallmarks of disciples who have a sensitivity of their inner Self and fulfilling the greater work.

The best way a disciple can stay in tune with the work of the Hierarchy is by meditating regularly. By connecting with the inner planes he or she is learning to align with the Hierarchical energies and higher Group Purpose. Meditation serves as a key method for individuals and groups to develop a receptivity to new energies and attune to the energies and intentions of the Spiritual Hierarchy, especially with the expected increased spiritual stimulation from the 2025 Conclave. With an expanded awareness, a channel for the inflow of higher spiritual energies can be created. While meditating, the disciple is:

  • Preparing his consciousness for enabling the “Christ consciousness” within himself and others;
  • Developing his intuitive faculties to better receive hierarchical impressions;
  • Constructing the Antakarana or bridge in consciousness between personality and Soul and help build the planetary Antakarana;
  • Strengthening the connection to the Ashram and perceiving his role in the divine Plan.

When working in group meditation, the disciple understands it is crucial to establish and maintain telepathic contact with Group members and alignment with their Soul. To facilitate this, daily use of the Great Invocation will help to irradiate the substance of one’s own etheric body and release light to other group members. Collective meditation can facilitate individuals and members to reach greater heights of realization than individual work alone. Also, focused work during new and full moon periods “opens the door” to higher energies. In short, group meditation creates a more potent channel for service and energy distribution.

By engaging in regular, focused meditation, individuals and groups can play a vital role in preparing the collective consciousness for the spiritual impacts and opportunities presented by the 2025 Conclave.

Conclusion: Facilitating Change in Society

Although the Conclave of 2025 is upon us, the service workers must continue manifesting the Plan through NGOs and service group activities. Their purpose is to sense and implement the higher energies of the 1st Ray Will, the 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom and create using the 7th Ray, to bring synthesis to all spiritual activity. Let’s examine its execution.

For the 1st Ray activity, the individual must be aware that this energy does not stimulate the separated personality or one’s own personal will. The disciple who is Soul-aligned and works with this particular Ashram on the mental plane, develops and modifies the Plan with knowledge, until the idea is reworked and a compromise is realized into an “acceptable ideal”. The carrying out of the Plan becomes a series of sequential steps, without violent impact, such as “my lower will (1st Ray) imposed through my separated personality”.

2nd Ray – Need for spiritual discernment by individual disciples tuning into the mental plane using telepathy and the intuition to see through the astral fog, and to intelligently interpret, with focused intention the working out of the Plan in the immediate future for Humanity. For this work, it is crucial for disciples to establish and maintain telepathic contact with group members as well as maintain an alignment with the Soul.

The 7th Ray Ashram of Synthesis requires disciples to consciously communicate and co-create with the Hierarchy. By connecting to the Buddhic plane using intuition or telepathy, this necessitates a measure of the Antakarana or rainbow bridge being reasonably built.

Finally, the Shamballa force can be safely contacted and utilized through right understanding and group formation, such as Triangles, and using the Great Invocation. Meditation groups working with the energy of goodwill are seen as one way humanity can cooperatively distribute the Shamballa force. It is through the cooperation of the forces of light, i.e. the disciples and the Hierarchy, that the dark forces will find no entrance and be defeated and Humanity can be rebuilt.

In consideration to the re-building of Humanity, D.K. said in “Externalization of the Hierarchy”

“….the needs of all the many grades in the social order must be met; world groups of every description have to be contacted. Much of the work to be done, therefore, will be purely economic and will concern the right feeding and the development of a true security for millions….the political regimes of the world need orienting to each other. It has never been the divine plan that all nations and races should conform to some standard political ideology or be reduced to a uniform general form of government”.

David E. Hopper began his studies of the WisdomTeachings in 1980. He has found the teachings their combined wisdom provided an all inclusive understanding of universal principles handed down by great sages and teachers in the last several thousands of years. Since then, he has presented to groups expressing various forms of the Wisdom Teachings in Arizona, California, Colorado,Oregon, Washington, and Russia. In 2009, he has completed esoteric studies with the Arcane School of the Lucis Trust from the teachings of Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky.

Through the Lucis Trust, he has published articles on topics related to the Ageless Wisdom. Since 2014, he has published four books: “The Soul Source – A Primer for Living as a Soul”, “Subjective Influences of the 10 Seed (Service) Groups”, “Glossary of Esoteric Thought” and “The Way to Soul Consciousness”. The Soul Source provides a clear insight into the nature of the Soul and setting up a Spiritual Practice. The 10 Seed (Service) Groups provides an understanding on the primary groups, e.g. political, scientific, educational, religious, healing, and financial services that make up our civilization and their spiritual potential. The Glossary of Esoteric Thought is an excellent companion to understanding the complexities of esoteric terminology and studying the Trans-Himalayan Teachings. This book offers clear and succinct descriptions of some of the most often used and mis-understood words and phrases. The Way to Soul Consciousness engages the spiritual worker on how to consciously create a personality-Soul integration.

These four books, in paperback and digital form are available through his website:

There are also many interesting esoterically related articles. In addition, he has begun a podcast series on his new book “The Way to Soul Consciousness”. A link to this podcast series is available on his website.

He currently serves as a faculty member for the Morya Federation :, an online Esoteric school, and makes presentations at the annual Seven Ray Conference in Chandler, AZ. In the Spring of 2021 he completed a 6 month course on “Journey of the Soul”. It is available for free on



Quote of the Month

“Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance….” Read more….

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