The Course and Direction of Human Affairs

It wasn’t all that long ago when selfish nationalism and religious intolerance were too well entrenched in human affairs for visionary thinkers to turn the tide against these powerful and selfish agents. But, today, even though these disruptive forces are still at work and active in the world, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to suggest that their potency on the physical plane is slowly waning. The growing impetus towards freedom, sharing, and a sense of the Whole is on the ascendant. We have only to witness the groundswell of enlightened public opinion against separative and narrow-minded thinking. Human consciousness is becoming informed and motivated and characterised by a spirit of goodwill. This note is beginning to change the course and direction of human affairs.

In the last century, it was indicated in the Alice Bailey teaching that the arrayed forces of materialism were active and organised, and that the forces of light were equally active but not so well organised. But, today, there has been a profound shift in this equation, and the forces of light are active and well organised, coordinating their efforts, and working in an ever more cohesive and integrated fashion. Their potency today marks a significant turning point.

Could it be said that the obstructions to the new Aquarian ideas are not so much the fault of the general public but more inclined towards the old entrenched political and religious establishments and institutions? Their crystallised outer forms and their vested material interests are unwilling to accommodate the new values and principles. In this respect, we are reminded of the Christ’s profound words: “You cannot pour new wine into old bottles”. Spiritual philosophy teaches that “all forms exist in order to express truth”. These new impulses dawning in the minds of enlightened and intuitive thinkers require a form, a vehicle to reveal and anchor themselves for the good of the Whole. This is a basic law of the universe, and nothing ultimately can withstand the rising tide of evolution and its impact on the world of form. The course and direction of human affairs are the responsibility of us all. We all have a small part to play in broadening and uplifting human consciousness and turning the gaze of humanity to the Light.

Even though there are obstructions on the way, the momentum towards progressive values is gaining traction. The proliferation of individuals, groups, and NGOs dedicated to human welfare is testimony to the impending trajectory of human affairs. And, if setbacks are encountered that run contrary to a broader vision, they will serve a purpose in showing the hollowness in populist rhetoric and actions. The pressing needs of humanity require solutions founded upon sound principles, responsible government, and social cohesion.

The recent electoral success of Donald Trump in the US will be challenging for all fair-minded and thoughtful people of goodwill, of which there are many. The battle between inclusive soul values and limiting and self-serving personality traits is fermenting crises in the world. The dank mist of separative thinking hovers like a dark cloud. Spiritual principles are not embedded in societies through transactional arrangements or shabby deals. In the fertile soil of social and economic distress, populism flourishes. Pulling up the drawbridge, and excluding ourselves from others, is not the answer. Only an unshakeable identification with the Whole, a trust in “the unconquerable nature of goodness”, and seeing all lives as indispensable and interdependent links in the great chain of life can truly lead humanity out of darkness into the light. And there are a growing number today who sense this vision.

Palpable developments are visible that give rise to hope and optimism. In the last few decades, progress has been made in bringing about global cooperation on matters that impact us all. Global warming and caring for the environment are issues that many governments, environmentalists, and individuals around the world are taking seriously. Since 1997, COP Conferences, or ‘Conference of the Parties’, have been instrumental in bringing about heightened awareness of the global challenges of climate change. Its causes and effects have been tracked and analysed over decades. The pursuit of practical solutions to offset unprecedented rises in global temperatures and its catastrophic effects is well documented. The Millennium Development Goals is another outstanding example of intergovernmental cooperation. Many other initiatives in science, economics, public health, governance, and religion, as well as in the UN, are instrumental in bringing about dialogue and mutual cooperation.

In his recent new book, “This Time No Mistakes – How to Remake Britain”, Will Hutton, a UK journalist and political economist, writes: “Men and women… can only be rounded, moral human beings with the capacity for self-realisation – the fundamental object of existence – if they recognise that they share a common purpose of human betterment with every other human being, which each individual has an obligation to help both themselves and others fulfil”. The book focuses on the challenges in the UK, and how two great traditions – ethical socialism and progressive liberalism – can be fused together to find a better and alternative way forward. Of course, this scenario is not exclusive to the UK, and other countries could benefit from such an analysis.

Alice Bailey reminds us that “upon the inflow and activity of new and higher energies the whole fact of the evolutionary process depends.” We live in a conflicted age characterised by the pull of the past and a vision of the future, and the choice between great contending energies – rank materialism and the liberating power of spirit. The current state of the world is the result of past achievements and mistakes, and the future is determined by the decisions made today. The course and direction of human affairs can only be made by humanity. Each of us is a small part of this momentous planetary awakening. What legacy will we leave for future generations?



Quote of the Month

“Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance….” Read more….

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