The Law of Love

As we human beings evolve, life after life, we go through stages of purification; these stages gradually purify the qualities that we are able to express in each life; and one of the most important qualities that we human beings are learning to express today is the quality of love. How we interpret the word “love” is very important because it means much, much more than simply sexual desire. It is also a higher, developing quality of the human heart. And this higher, more refined, quality of love is being expressed through the building of goodwill relationships among individuals and among nations; at least this is the intention of the human heart. And the heart is of course responding to the inflowing energy of the human soul—one’s higher Self. And this is an expression of the Law of Love.

Now, the Law of Love works through another divine Law which is mentioned in one of the books of Alice Bailey: “The quality that emerges through the process of manifesting, and under the impulse of divine Life, is love, which functions through the medium of the Law of Attraction, with the aim of producing an ultimate synthesis in consciousness. Let us not forget that the objective of our present evolutionary process is the unfoldment of conscious awareness. The entire process is directed towards that consummation” (Esoteric Psychology, Vol. 1, p. 193).

From this, then, human beings need to respond to the energy of love in a more refined way that will elevate human consciousness in the direction of synthesis, or oneness. There are many stages in the unfoldment of consciousness; but currently one of the initial stages is the growing expression of goodwill. Goodwill is a definite response to the inflowing energy of love. As Alice Bailey has written: ‘Goodwill is the touchstone that will transform the world”(Discipleship in the New Age, p. 65). A touchstone is a piece of fine-grained dark schist or jasper used for testing alloys of gold by observing the color of the mark which they made on it. So by touching the expression of goodwill one will see the golden light and love of the soul. By using the energy of one’s higher mind one can touch the love and goodwill of the soul.

Of course we are not there yet; wars between nations are still being fought and selfishness still rules in some countries of the world. But humanity has made a start. The human heart center and the higher mind are beginning to vibrate in a more refined way and expressing a higher quality of the divine energy of love.

Humanity is beginning to respond more widely to this energy of love. It was that same simple message that Jesus Christ spoke about two thousand years ago: “Love thy neighbor as thyself”(Matthew 22-39). “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind”(Matthew 22-37). And from the Sermon on the Mount He said “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”(Matthew 5-8). At that time Christ anchored the energy of love in human consciousness. And it is interesting to note certain words in these phrases: “Thy self”(Did He mean one’s higher Self?)…”thy heart”…thy soul…thy mind…pure in heart”. These are words that are still active today, especially if one works daily in meditation.

And this simple message of light, love and power is still being spread today in the Great Invocation; and especially significant now is the word power—the power of the will—“From the centre where the Will of God is known let purpose guide the little wills of men”. This is the purpose of why we human beings are on this earth in the first place—to manifest worldwide the Plan that God has in His creative Mind; that we should manifest the pure quality of love and light throughout the world. And this is why Love is a spiritual Law!

It is, in reality, a cosmic Law, working through the Law of Attraction, that even the God of this planet must follow. If it was ever likely that God chose not to follow the cosmic Law of Love, then this poor planet would be a crumbling piece of rock. But, of course, God chose to obey the Law of Love. And this is the simple message that Christ demonstrated, that we, too, must obey. The focus of our consciousness must be, life after life, directed upward toward synthesis, or oneness. This will eventually produce on this Earth a quality of Love that we can hardly imagine today.

Let’s do it!



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“Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance….” Read more….

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