Thoughts on Libra

Silence and the stillness of a focused point

We’re living in a time when the words of the poet Yeats ring all too true: “Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / …The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity” (The Second Coming). Lack of conviction suggests an absence of principles, but when convictions become intransigent, engendering a refusal to consider other perspectives, they can become a force for the polarization of society. This may be why Nietzche declared, “Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.” Thus, in a time of extreme polarization when the divisions between individuals and whole societies and nations seem almost unbridgeable, the energies that flow through Libra are uniquely relevant, for Libra occupies a unique place in the Great Wheel of the zodiac, Alice Bailey wrote; its energy controls the hub of the wheel—the point where the twelve zodiacal energies intersect, creating a meeting ground.

Libra is a sign of balancing, of the careful weighing of values, in order to achieve a right equilibrium between the pairs of opposites. A triangle symbolizes this process in its three points: two which form the polarities, while the third represents the path or direction that leads to release through synthesis and transcendence. Libra’s keynote gives words to this symbolism: I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force. “Between” does not mean refusing to choose, but rather to navigate a higher way that balances yet transcends the pairs of opposites. The familiar phrase “the razor’s edge” alerts us to the exceeding precision of this path, one which—if the idea of reincarnation is accepted—each incarnated human being has trodden for many lives and has undoubtedly fallen away from, drawn by one polarizing force after another, time and again. Release from this pattern of experience comes only by developing a sense of true values and by using the analytical faculty of the higher mind, which lets in the searchlight of the soul. Through the repeated swings of the pendulum, the Scales are tipped and the consequences are experienced. In time, a point of crisis arises in Libra, and this appears to underlie the nature of the present times. In this transitional era between the past two thousand years of Pisces and the incoming Age of Aquarius, Alice Bailey wrote, the present world situation and adjustment is the forerunner, but “Libra will eventually rule. There is therefore no need for real anxiety”, she affirmed.

Early signs of readjustment are already visible. Libra, which is “the sponsor of the law”, governs the legal profession, and interestingly, we can see the growing dominance of law in the work of the World Court, bringing autocrats and tyrants to an accounting; in the application of the law from the local level to the drafting of global treaties, to regulate matters related to the environment and, particularly, climate change. We see the law wielded increasingly in the affirmation of the rights of women, children, and minorities, as well as in the struggle to apply international law to the ways in which war is waged.

On a higher level, we’re told that the laws under which our solar system is governed express God’s quality and character. Because Libra is related to the third aspect of the Godhead—creative intelligence—its effects can be seen in the areas of Law, Sex and Money: Law as the expression of will or power; Sex as the relation between the pairs of opposites; and Money as concretized energy. All three areas are of crucial importance in the human experience and all three are exhibiting the turmoil created by the swings of the pendulum, but viewed from a higher perspective, a “Judgment Day” is approaching which will lead to the restoration of a point of balance. As human minds awaken and choices are made, a point of crisis underlying the present world situation is causing adjustments on the emotional level and testing human desires. Many committed activists and servers are striving for a better, fairer world with complete conviction in the rightness of their intended goal, but the right outcome will be achieved by remembering that “It is at the center of the Scales or at the hub of the wheel that the true perspective and indicated action can be seen correctly”, in Alice Bailey’s words. “Before creation, silence and the stillness of a focused point” is the key to finding this precise point of balance, a spiritual poise which is the gift of Libra and one which can be strengthened through group meditation. Let each of us contribute to this great service.



Quote of the Month

“Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance….” Read more….

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