Author: Sarah and Dale McKechnie
The Seven Rays – part 5
The name of the ray is Harmony through Conflict, not harmony and conflict, but the harmony that comes through conflict, rightly handled, through the handling of stress and strain.So, […]
The Seven Rays – part 4
The Ray of Active Intelligence and adaptability [is] the ability to take an idea and adapt it down to a comprehensive level, adapting an idea to the immediate needs […]
The Seven Rays – part 3
I think the second ray soul becomes more and more inclusive of life, and by that I mean the consciousness becomes more and more aware of and able to […]
The Seven Rays – part 2
The first ray’s threefold expression is as purification, destruction and organization. Those are the three components of this tremendous, and again I should remind people, divine energy. Purification is […]
The Seven Rays – part 1
The Bible speaks of the seven Spirits before the throne of God: it’s a phrase from Revelation; and the ancient Hindu texts, the Vedas, speak of the seven Rishis, […]
The Psychology of the Self
Each kingdom: animal, vegetable, mineral, human, has a different function, and as I understand it, humanity is the creative kingdom that must cooperate with God’s Plan. For God to […]
Somewhere in the writings of Alice Bailey it’s said that family life and marriage are the crucible of the spiritual life. I think that’s a very interesting image because […]
September 11th
Using the Great Invocation will help to sustain this effort to bring more light and love into the world. And that’s so very important, so that the lives that […]
The Value of Silence
But it’s not only that we should refrain from speech that’s behind this idea of silence. It’s that we should learn how to use speech and silence both, in […]
What is Success?
Often I think we can identify what makes a successful life by looking at what areas of our life cause the most struggle, because those areas are probably where […]
The Spirit of Labour
There was a spiritual foundation to the labour movement and it comes out in such words as amalgamation, union and brotherhood, which were often attached to the different labour […]
Karma – part 4
The only permanent, undying reality is found in pure spirit, and when we turn our attention to that, as Job did, and as Arjuna did in the Bhagavad Gita, […]
Karma – part 3
When the soul influence begins to make an impression on the outer personality, it is then that karma becomes neutralized, because that is indicative that one is on the […]
Karma – part 2
Spiritually our lives are not lived in a vacuum; we are part of something much greater. We’re part of a whole that is beyond our comprehension, but I think […]
Karma – part 1
“Karma is the expression of the law of equilibrium and nature is always working to restore that equilibrium whenever through man’s acts it is disturbed. Karma creates nothing, nor […]
The Good, The True, and The Beautiful
There is within every human being, no matter how low a quality they might be on the outer level, an ability to aspire to something better. It might express […]
Evolution – part 2
Evolution, I think, depends upon the incorporation and the right relationship of the parts of life to the greater whole. That’s what we mean by the evolution of consciousness, […]
Evolution – part 1
Evolution is the unfolding of a continually increasing power to respond, or power to be sensitive to, or aware of, the surrounding world…. evolution affects not only the development […]
Where Evil Dwells
Good is the destiny toward which our planetary life is oriented or evolving. It is evolving toward a greater Good. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Our theme for today […]
The World Teacher – part 2
The World Teacher is a prototype or an embodiment of a quality, divine potential, that exists within every human being. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Today’s theme is part […]