Season’s Greetings 2024

The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together.
William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well

It only seems the other day that the last Season’s Greetings blog post was penned. Now a year on and the many recent developments in the international arena, both positive and negative, are shaping the world to come. All is in a state of flux, oscillating between the old and the new, between outworn dogmas and broader progressive values. It is as the spiritual sciences indicate a conflict between the past and the future. Crystallised forms of thought are shattering, yet many still hold on to outdated doctrines. Reticent to embrace new waves of thinking, embodying the values of cooperation, sharing, and above all, goodwill, the world is locked into a clash of ideals. Even so, the faint broad sunlit uplands of hope over despair, truth over distorted thinking, and light over darkness are visible.

Spiritual philosophy informs us that “all forms exist in order to express truth”. Truth needs to be anchored in the world of form. The soul of every form constantly helps to evolve the indwelling consciousness to reach its pinnacle of attainment and to express truth. Each kingdom of nature plays its part in its revelation: the minerals that exhibit the quality of radiation; the delicate texture and scent of the rose; the animals that serve the human kingdom in some way or another; and, the growing number of people of goodwill, are all examples of the efflorescence of the life within the form. In the human family, the impetus of this life wave, we are informed, is becoming so strong that it finds the existing antiquated institutions, and established order a prison and a limitation. In their current form, these obsolete structures cannot embody the higher truths that await revelation.

Whilst we survey a troubled world, replete with many challenges and crises, profound opportunity lies ahead to rise above the shibboleths of selfish individualism and populism. The many initiatives in the political and economic arenas are evidence of a great spiritual experiment underway in the shrine of human living. Out of this maelstrom of conflicting ideas will emerge better systems of governance and economics. The ancient rhythms and deep-seated habits of selfish materialism will give way to a culture of the soul. Individual, group, and national life will embrace values that are more in line with the law of the universe, which Alice Bailey wrote, is “to all eternity the good of the whole”.

So, as we approach the auspicious year of 2025, it will begin to mark the end of a period known in the Alice Bailey teaching as “reconstructing the form of humanity’s life”. This span of around 60 years, since 1965, has been a tumultuous era in human affairs. The shift of global alliances, the power play of major actors on the world stage, the movement of peoples around the globe, and many other factors, have rocked human living, established conventions, and the international order. Their ramifications will reverberate throughout the world for many years to come. All those interested in the significance of 2025 and beyond may care to read the article ‘2025 – Developing a Vision of Possibilities’ by Sarah McKechnie.

65 blog posts were added this year, including 47 ‘Inner Sight’ programs. If you would like to understand more about spiritual philosophy and human evolution you are invited to view the many topics listed on the ‘Inner Sight’ section of the website.

It is a joy to see the ‘Spiritual Perspectives Blog’ grow. In the last year, several thousand people in over 100 countries visited the Blog. So, thank you for your support, and we hope you will continue to visit the website and read the new material that is regularly published.

In conclusion, the contribution of the small team of contributors to the Blog, and Carla who tirelessly transcribes and edits the ‘Inner Sight’ programs, is greatly valued and warmly appreciated.

We wish you a blessed Season’s Greetings, and a joyous, creative, and fulfilling New Year.



Quote of the Month

“Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance….” Read more….

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