2025 – Developing a Vision of Possibilities
Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance. We’re told that the twenty-fifth year of each century, […]
Thoughts on Virgo
The quickening of the spiritual life As the age of Pisces withdraws, the energies of Virgo, Pisces’ polar opposite, reveal their significance with increasing clarity. Humanity’s orientation to the […]
The Law of Love
As we human beings evolve, life after life, we go through stages of purification; these stages gradually purify the qualities that we are able to express in each life; […]
Energy Follows Thought
With thought, with direction from the thinking human being, all substance, all matter, can be recreated and reformed, hopefully for the better. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Inner sight […]
World Goodwill
Goodwill is the touchstone that will transform the world. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Inner sight is simply seeing that which is always present, but not yet fully recognized. […]
The Power of Sacred Words
There is an ancient belief that Sound is the creative Soul of Divine creation; and that words reveal the rhythmic heartbeat of God. When we join with those Great […]
Spiritual Law – part 6
The Law of Economy is very much visible in the present world that we live in. The Law of Attraction governs the impelling or compelling urge of the soul […]
Thoughts on Leo
The path of awakening sensitivity The progression of consciousness which leads from Cancer (the mass or herd) must pass through the awakening of the self, of individuality, in Leo […]
Spiritual Law – part 5
As the human mind begins to awaken to the inner spiritual realities, then we’re more aware that there are these inner subjective laws taking place. As the human mind […]
Humanity on the Move
Immigration as an Evolutionary Aspect of the Plan “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming […]
Spiritual Law – part 4
When you hoe a garden you have to overturn the soil to bring life and nutrients into it. That’s what happens on the spiritual path. You undergo a churning […]
From Apathy to Empathy
When Life flips your world upside down, look to others. When facing uncertainty, seek out protection in groups. Survival lies within groups. The larger the group, the greater the […]
More Thoughts on Cancer
Creating a sheath for the life of God Esoteric teaching views the study of astrology as a depiction of the growth of consciousness leading to the recognition of relationships. […]
Spiritual Law – part 3
We think of sacrifice as painful, but in fact it’s said to the soul, sacrifice is pure bliss. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Inner sight is simply seeing that […]
Humanity: The World Disciple
Humanity, the world disciple, stands at a crossroads today. The familiar and ‘comfortable’ surroundings of age-old practices, rituals, and lines of thought are receding. Ahead lie uncharted waters. It […]