2025 – Developing a Vision of Possibilities
Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance. We’re told that the twenty-fifth year of each century, […]
Avatars: Messengers of God
“Great Avataras have come in the past and will come again in the future, whose grand figures loom and names of might echo through the haze of the ages. […]
Light – part 2
Buddha’s final words to his disciples when he was leaving this earthly plain were, “Be a lamp unto your own feet,” because he knew that every human being had […]
A Loving Faith
To walk through life, in true loving faith, seems a heavenly gift shared only amongst the Gods, unattainable by mere mortals. And yet, many are aware of the possibilities […]
Light – part 1
As it is said in physics, we don’t really see light, we merely see with it, so it’s what the light reveals around us in the world that is important. Robert: Welcome to Inner Sight. Inner […]
Thoughts on Taurus
Freedom from the great heresy of separateness Through the transition from Aries (I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule) to Taurus—I see and when the […]
The Seven Rays – part 8
The seventh ray person is someone who has the innate desire to bring through the sense of divinity in some outer way—who understands the link between the spiritual value and the […]
The Dual Life of the Disciple
At the appointed time, there comes a turning point in the life of every human being on his or her sacred path, and for humanity too, the world disciple. […]
The Seven Rays – part 7
The sixth ray that we’re considering today…has given us so much of what characterizes human consciousness today; all the qualities of idealism and devotion to religious and political ideals. […]
The Seven Rays – part 6
… man is literally one who thinks. Our obligation as human beings is to know and to think, to use our mind, to be agents for God’s Plan on Earth. We can’t do that if […]
The Seven Rays – part 5
The name of the ray is Harmony through Conflict, not harmony and conflict, but the harmony that comes through conflict, rightly handled, through the handling of stress and strain.So, […]
Thoughts on Aries
The source, the beginning, and the initiator of the New Age Aries initiates a new cycle in the spiritual year and, now, the inauguration of the New Age. Aries […]
Out of Duality, Consciousness Emerges
The problem of duality, spiritual philosophy observes, is the problem of existence itself. Duality, the pairs of opposites, (such as right and wrong, peace and war, happiness and unhappiness, […]
The Seven Rays – part 4
The Ray of Active Intelligence and adaptability [is] the ability to take an idea and adapt it down to a comprehensive level, adapting an idea to the immediate needs […]