The Unspoken Power of Humility

In the cosmic world of Spirit there are no secrets. Life is rhythmic with the electric transparency of a creative morning. Human love, an immortal impulse towards synthesis – unencumbered unity – is a long-awaited goal. Human ideals are viewed as cherished cornerstones of conduct; and watched-for achievement is measured by the warmth of realized heart light. Compassion is the breath of Life in the cosmic world of Spirit. Universal inclusion has long been understood as Humanity’s minimal baseline.

In the temporal man-made world, unchecked pride and chaotic desire are the applauded energies of individualism. Material accumulation, intimidation through violence, racial superiority, and private monopolies on natural resources are embraced as the highest measure of human worth.

An ignorant and blood-stained ‘Divide and Conquer’ approach has become the three-word mantra of recorded human history. Separatism is the intentional result of millions of premature human graves covering the earth. A rigid consciousness committed to exclusion only conceives thoughts dedicated to I, me, and mine. “We’ has no sentient existence in such a dark reality.

In the world of Soul there exists untapped goodness. Salvation for a non-sacred planet abounds. Judgements are liberated, dualities suspended, and the animating cosmic life principle of One governs the lighted spatial construct of the We. We, as One, becomes the stabilizing impulse underpinning consciousness in all life expressions; and the flood gates of healing for a planetary system of integrated bio-diversity streams forth. The gravitational light of time floods all sentient beings with the immeasurable power of knowing.

This is the unspoken power of humility. To truly be humble is to be aware of the sheer enormity of the immeasurable power of knowing… and to recognize your self as holding a teaspoon while facing this ocean of life. To consciously know that Life is Eternal, with endless repetitions of human learning; to consciously feel the immortality of Soul, while enduring the failings of the human self; and to consciously demonstrate an intention to stand in the brilliantly transparent light of spiritual beingness, where revelations flourish and secrets whither, while consistently falling short of the mark, is to be humbled.

In this humility there is true freedom. This simplicity of being and this surety of knowing gives birth to a liberated consciousness. Each day, each hour, each minute becomes a precious living moment not to be squandered on fleeting distractions; but rather, to be used wisely by grounding the unspoken power of humility with a life well shared. This joyful purpose of existence brings grace and courage and spiritual sustenance to all who are working, through heart-felt thought, to enfold global life in a new paradigm of beingness. By creating a new planetary narrative that frees all of us from a painful history we will be stepping forward together into a celebrated future where relationship to the Whole humbles and empowers each and every one of us. To this worthy goal, I pledge Soul.



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“Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance….” Read more….

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