We See the Light

The deepening Group Gaze is spreading, expanding into ever-widening ripples of energetic Love. We see the Light …

Not through the violence capturing public attention – but rather, through the growing cadre of world leaders seeking a foothold in shared reason framed with dialogue and diplomacy.

We see the Light. Not in the brutality of wanton killing – but rather, in the outstretched body of voices lighting up the dark night, calling for unity, forgiveness, and oneness.

We see the Light. Not in the intensity of planetary storms – but rather, in the quietude of neighbor helping neighbor.

We see the Light. Not in the five-star establishments of exclusivity – but rather, in the warmth around an ancient kitchen table of shared family meals.

We see the Light: in the temples, synagogues, mosques, and churches that recognize the Soul’s quality of devotion. In the international bodies of government who embrace the Spirit’s vision of practical goodwill.

We see the Light: on the subways and crowded buses, across hectic avenues and bust side streets, down rambling country lanes, and in the villages of ordinary existence. In the emergency rooms of hospitals, at stadiums, gallery openings, state fairs, and library meeting rooms. We see the Light.

We see the Light: in acts of integration, moments of compassion, and times of synthesizing union. We see the Light of a new dawn breaking over an unknown horizon which is seeking Humanity’s awakening heart. We see the Light.



Quote of the Month

“Students of the writings of Alice Bailey know that the year 2025 is anticipated to be of vital spiritual significance….” Read more….

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